An image of President Obama at the National Urban League Centennial
Dear Friend, approved

As we work toward a world where every child has an equal opportunity for success, cheapest we cannot ignore the disparities that exist in our education system. While the national graduation rate has climbed to a still less than acceptable 71 percent, more about the average high school graduation rate in the nation’s 50 largest cities stands at a devastatingly low 53 percent – an 18 percent gap.  In some cities, including Indianapolis, Cleveland and Detroit, graduation rates are less than 40 percent. Urban students in some areas have graduation rates at least 35 percentage points lower than their suburban neighbors. Continue reading


An Image of a concerned youth courtesy of the National Urban League
Dear Friend, thumb

As we work toward a world where every child has an equal opportunity for success, advice we cannot ignore the disparities that exist in our education system. While the national graduation rate has climbed to a still less than acceptable 71 percent, healing the average high school graduation rate in the nation’s 50 largest cities stands at a devastatingly low 53 percent – an 18 percent gap.  In some cities, including Indianapolis, Cleveland and Detroit, graduation rates are less than 40 percent. Urban students in some areas have graduation rates at least 35 percentage points lower than their suburban neighbors.


These inequities put at risk the futures of millions of young people, as well as the economic future of our nation.   We know that education is the number one predictor of future success, with earnings rising at each level of educational attainment, beginning with a high school diploma.  Conversely, we know that high-school drop-outs are more likely to end up unemployed, in jail and living in poverty.  And at a time when we are facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, along with increased competition in the global economy, it is more important than ever that we produce the most prepared and best educated workforce in the world.  Every child counts and every child deserves a chance to succeed.

For more than 50 years, the National Urban League’s Education and Youth Development division has worked to improve educational opportunities for African-American students through the development of policies and programs that focus on early childhood education, college preparedness and youth leadership programs. Project Ready prepares adolescents for the critical transition from high school to college and/or professional work by focusing on academic development, social development, cultural and global awareness.  Read and Rise engages parents in early literacy development by providing them with hands-on experience and skills to work with their child to build and encourage early reading development. And the League’s Youth Summit, an annual development forum for urban youth ages 14-18 focusing on postsecondary success, career exploration, financial literacy, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

These and other important education and youth development programs like charter schools, preschool and after-school activities are made possible with your financial support. Please contribute today and help us continue to prepare for every American child for college, work and life.

Have a blessed and joyful holiday season!


Your friends at the National Urban League

Dear Friend, approved

As we work toward a world where every child has an equal opportunity for success, drug we cannot ignore the disparities that exist in our education system. While the national graduation rate has climbed to a still less than acceptable 71 percent, the average high school graduation rate in the nation’s 50 largest cities stands at a devastatingly low 53 percent – an 18 percent gap.  In some cities, including Indianapolis, Cleveland and Detroit, graduation rates are less than 40 percent. Urban students in some areas have graduation rates at least 35 percentage points lower than their suburban neighbors.


These inequities put at risk the futures of millions of young people, as well as the economic future of our nation.   We know that education is the number one predictor of future success, with earnings rising at each level of educational attainment, beginning with a high school diploma.  Conversely, we know that high-school drop-outs are more likely to end up unemployed, in jail and living in poverty.  And at a time when we are facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, along with increased competition in the global economy, it is more important than ever that we produce the most prepared and best educated workforce in the world.  Every child counts and every child deserves a chance to succeed.

For more than 50 years, the National Urban League’s Education and Youth Development division has worked to improve educational opportunities for African-American students through the development of policies and programs that focus on early childhood education, college preparedness and youth leadership programs. Project Ready prepares adolescents for the critical transition from high school to college and/or professional work by focusing on academic development, social development, cultural and global awareness.  Read and Rise engages parents in early literacy development by providing them with hands-on experience and skills to work with their child to build and encourage early reading development. And the League’s Youth Summit, an annual development forum for urban youth ages 14-18 focusing on postsecondary success, career exploration, financial literacy, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

These and other important education and youth development programs like charter schools, preschool and after-school activities are made possible with your financial support. Please contribute today and help us continue to prepare for every American child for college, work and life.

Have a blessed and joyful holiday season!


Your friends at the National Urban League

Dear Friend, buy information pills

As we work toward a world where every child has an equal opportunity for success, medications we cannot ignore the disparities that exist in our education system. While the national graduation rate has climbed to a still less than acceptable 71 percent, the average high school graduation rate in the nation’s 50 largest cities stands at a devastatingly low 53 percent – an 18 percent gap.  In some cities, including Indianapolis, Cleveland and Detroit, graduation rates are less than 40 percent. Urban students in some areas have graduation rates at least 35 percentage points lower than their suburban neighbors.


These inequities put at risk the futures of millions of young people, as well as the economic future of our nation.   We know that education is the number one predictor of future success, with earnings rising at each level of educational attainment, beginning with a high school diploma.  Conversely, we know that high-school drop-outs are more likely to end up unemployed, in jail and living in poverty.  And at a time when we are facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, along with increased competition in the global economy, it is more important than ever that we produce the most prepared and best educated workforce in the world.  Every child counts and every child deserves a chance to succeed.

For more than 50 years, the National Urban League’s Education and Youth Development division has worked to improve educational opportunities for African-American students through the development of policies and programs that focus on early childhood education, college preparedness and youth leadership programs. Project Ready prepares adolescents for the critical transition from high school to college and/or professional work by focusing on academic development, social development, cultural and global awareness.  Read and Rise engages parents in early literacy development by providing them with hands-on experience and skills to work with their child to build and encourage early reading development. And the League’s Youth Summit, an annual development forum for urban youth ages 14-18 focusing on postsecondary success, career exploration, financial literacy, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

These and other important education and youth development programs like charter schools, preschool and after-school activities are made possible with your financial support. Please contribute today and help us continue to prepare for every American child for college, work and life.

Have a blessed and joyful holiday season!


Your friends at the National Urban League

Dear Friend, information pills

As we work toward a world where every child has an equal opportunity for success, there we cannot ignore the disparities that exist in our education system. While the national graduation rate has climbed to a still less than acceptable 71 percent, the average high school graduation rate in the nation’s 50 largest cities stands at a devastatingly low 53 percent – an 18 percent gap.  In some cities, including Indianapolis, Cleveland and Detroit, graduation rates are less than 40 percent. Urban students in some areas have graduation rates at least 35 percentage points lower than their suburban neighbors.


These inequities put at risk the futures of millions of young people, as well as the economic future of our nation.   We know that education is the number one predictor of future success, with earnings rising at each level of educational attainment, beginning with a high school diploma.  Conversely, we know that high-school drop-outs are more likely to end up unemployed, in jail and living in poverty.  And at a time when we are facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, along with increased competition in the global economy, it is more important than ever that we produce the most prepared and best educated workforce in the world.  Every child counts and every child deserves a chance to succeed.

For more than 50 years, the National Urban League’s Education and Youth Development division has worked to improve educational opportunities for African-American students through the development of policies and programs that focus on early childhood education, college preparedness and youth leadership programs. Project Ready prepares adolescents for the critical transition from high school to college and/or professional work by focusing on academic development, social development, cultural and global awareness.  Read and Rise engages parents in early literacy development by providing them with hands-on experience and skills to work with their child to build and encourage early reading development. And the League’s Youth Summit, an annual development forum for urban youth ages 14-18 focusing on postsecondary success, career exploration, financial literacy, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

These and other important education and youth development programs like charter schools, preschool and after-school activities are made possible with your financial support. Please contribute today and help us continue to prepare for every American child for college, work and life.

Have a blessed and joyful holiday season!


Your friends at the National Urban League

Dear Friend, ampoule

As we work toward a world where every child has an equal opportunity for success, physician we cannot ignore the disparities that exist in our education system. While the national graduation rate has climbed to a still less than acceptable 71 percent, this the average high school graduation rate in the nation’s 50 largest cities stands at a devastatingly low 53 percent – an 18 percent gap.  In some cities, including Indianapolis, Cleveland and Detroit, graduation rates are less than 40 percent. Urban students in some areas have graduation rates at least 35 percentage points lower than their suburban neighbors. Continue reading


Dear Friend, shop

The debate about how to fix the nation’s health care system continues in Congress and in the courts. Meanwhile, story more than 19% of black Americans and 30 percent of Latinos lack health insurance. The disparities in economic opportunity and health-care are reflected in the childhood obesity epidemic among minority populations – among black children ages 6-11, 18.6% of boys and 24% of girls are overweight and among Hispanic children, it is 27.5% for boys and 19.7% for girls. For white children, the corresponding numbers are 15.5% for boys and 14.4% for girls.

The National Urban League’s Health and Quality of Live division delivers sustainable programs to underserved communities that create greater access to healthcare and advocate for the elimination of health disparities.  The Save Our Sons and Remarkable Woman programs offer workshops, symposiums, and activities that promote healthy lifestyles.  The National Urban League is designated one of 14 National Act Against AIDS Leadership Initiative Sites by the Centers for Disease Control, with awareness campaigns and education efforts offered in several affiliate cities around the country.  Other League programs address childhood obesity, assist with navigation through the health care system and provide free screenings for diabetes, hypertension, blood glucose levels, bone density and body mass index.

With your donation, the National Urban League and our affiliates can not only continue to offer programs that keep people healthy, but also fight for access to affordable care when people do become sick.

May your holiday season be healthy and happy!

Your friends at the National Urban League

[button link=””]Click here to make a donation[/button]

[info_box]This message appears courtesy of the National Urban League.[/info_box]

21st Century Leadership Symposium

This is the official logo of the Greater Toledo Urban League.
[info_box]The materials on this page are to be used by press and media that require promotional materials for our organization. Usage of these materials must not violate our terms of service or misrepresent The Greater Toledo Urban League, order Inc or the National Urban League brand in any way, page shape, or form.[/info_box]



[fancy_box]GTUL Logos[/fancy_box]
[info_box]The materials on this page are to be used by press and media that require promotional materials for our organization. Usage of these materials must not violate our terms of service or misrepresent The Greater Toledo Urban League, troche Inc or the National Urban League brand in any way, check shape, cure or form.[/info_box]





[fancy_box]GTUL Logos[/fancy_box]
[info_box]The materials on this page are to be used by press and media that require promotional materials for our organization. Usage of these materials must not violate our terms of service or misrepresent The Greater Toledo Urban League, search Inc or the National Urban League brand in any way, there shape, or form.[/info_box]


  • Social Media and online resou
  • Logos
  • Documents


[fancy_box]GTUL Logos[/fancy_box]
[fancy_header]What we do[/fancy_header]





[fancy_box][dropcap2]O[/dropcap2]ur Education and Youth Services department is currently under re-development. When we become fully operational we provide programs to benefit the full range of education from youth to adult. Two of our signature programs include – Achievement Matters and STRIVE.[/fancy_box]






[fancy_header]Achievement Matters[/fancy_header]

[dropcap2]A[/dropcap2]chievement Matters is a coordinated, thumb intensified and sustained effort to raise the achievement levels of Black Americans and other youth of color within the Toledo Public School system, buy information pills while strengthening their social skills. The program utilizes a combination of community education, viagra mobilization and advocacy to support youth, and hold public policy makers accountable for delivering services to youth that work.




[dropcap2]S[/dropcap2].T.R.I.V.E. Enrichment and Tutoring Program was designed to improve homework grades and provide students with the tools and skills needed to excel in school; a joint project with the Greater Toledo Urban League, Inc. and the Toledo Police Department. The program is housed at Scott High School and serves students from elementary through high school.



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Program is currently under reconstruction. Please send us an email if you would like to help in the development with this effort. Email Us

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Click on the button to learn more information about the STRIVE program

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[note_box]Want to donate to the Greater Toledo Urban League? Fill in the form below and donate via our secure donation portal courtesy of PayPal.[/note_box]

[fancy_header]Donate Now[/fancy_header]


We have collected over [donatetotal] so far. Thank you.


[fancy_header]Thank You To Our Supporters[/fancy_header]

[button link=””]Donor Recognition Wall[/button]





Ways to Give to
The Greater Toledo Urban League

Friends of the Greater Toledo Urban League who wish to make a contribution are encouraged to consider the following options:


Cash is often the most convenient form of giving. Cash gifts are fully deductible for federal income tax purposes, buy provided deductions are itemized.


Pledges enable a donor to plan a personal giving program that is both convenient and tax-wise. A pledge may enable a donor to consider a more significant gift than would have been otherwise possible. Terms for payment on pledges are flexible and at the option of the donor.


Securities may be made as outright gifts or as a payment on a pledge. Stock certificates may be reassigned directly to the Greater Toledo Urban League or may be transferred through the donor’s broker. The mean market value on the date of the transfer will determine the value of the gift for tax purposes. It is best to consult with the External Affairs Office before a transaction is made. For general questions on securities callJohn Jones at 419-243-3343 or send an email to

Gifts of appreciated securities may be tax deductible, up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income. The deduction is based on the full fair market value, and capital gains tax is not due when the stock is transferred to the League.

[dropcap1]4[/dropcap1]Planned Gifts

In certain instances, it may be preferable from an estate, financial and tax planning perspective to consider long-term planning giving as the best way to make a gift. This can be accomplished through various gift instruments, such as charitable reminder trusts, gift annuities, charitable lead trusts, and bequests. For more information on planned giving, please contact John Jones at 419-243-3343 or send an email

[download_box]Download “Donation Guidelines” PDF[/download_box]





[dropcap1]O[/dropcap1]lympia’s story is just one example of how the Greater Toledo Urban League has helped people in need realize their true potential, search over the years. 2010 has been no different, visit this and we’re eager to tell you more about how we’ve worked diligently, sale to ensure that numerous others would have a year filled with inspiration, success and change!

For starters, the Urban League has strengthened its focus on improving education in Northwest Ohio. This move officially recognizes something we have known all along, that our efforts in every other area of our mission – workforce development, health, civil rights and civic engagement – mean nothing if our youngest citizens are growing up without the basic skills to function effectively in society.



Second, the Urban League has undertaken a targeted effort to advocate for issues that are critical to the social and economic well-being of every person in Northwest Ohio. This means that we’ll work proactively with other organizations to address specific concerns in the community and apply what we’ve learned from direct experience about the issues.

It’s true, the promise of these initiatives has invigorated our work and created excitement among staff and supporters. For the last 14 years, the Urban League has worked to improve the social and economic conditions of disadvantaged and underserved people in Northwest Ohio and, thanks to the new focus, the future looks bright.

Now here’s the best part: you can impact the future by making an investment in the Urban League. As a non-profit organization, the Urban League relies completely on charitable support to carry out its mission.  Your gift will help provide direct services and advocate for a better way of life in Northwest Ohio.




[note_box]Want to donate to the Greater Toledo Urban League? Fill in the form below and donate via our secure donation portal courtesy of PayPal.[/note_box]

[fancy_header]Donate Now[/fancy_header]


We have collected over [donatetotal] so far. Thank you.


[fancy_header]Thank You To Our Supporters[/fancy_header]

[button link=””]Donor Recognition Wall[/button]





Ways to Give to
The Greater Toledo Urban League

Friends of the Greater Toledo Urban League who wish to make a contribution are encouraged to consider the following options:


Cash is often the most convenient form of giving. Cash gifts are fully deductible for federal income tax purposes, provided deductions are itemized.


Pledges enable a donor to plan a personal giving program that is both convenient and tax-wise. A pledge may enable a donor to consider a more significant gift than would have been otherwise possible. Terms for payment on pledges are flexible and at the option of the donor.


Securities may be made as outright gifts or as a payment on a pledge. Stock certificates may be reassigned directly to the Greater Toledo Urban League or may be transferred through the donor’s broker. The mean market value on the date of the transfer will determine the value of the gift for tax purposes. It is best to consult with the External Affairs Office before a transaction is made. For general questions on securities callJohn Jones at 419-243-3343 or send an email to

Gifts of appreciated securities may be tax deductible, up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income. The deduction is based on the full fair market value, and capital gains tax is not due when the stock is transferred to the League.

[dropcap1]4[/dropcap1]Planned Gifts

In certain instances, it may be preferable from an estate, financial and tax planning perspective to consider long-term planning giving as the best way to make a gift. This can be accomplished through various gift instruments, such as charitable reminder trusts, gift annuities, charitable lead trusts, and bequests. For more information on planned giving, please contact John Jones at 419-243-3343 or send an email

[download_box]Download “Donation Guidelines” PDF[/download_box]





  • Location University of Toledo’s Savage & Associates Complex for Business Learning and Engagement
  • Date January 7, 2011
  • Time 8AM – 4:30PM
  • Investment $10



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Join business and thought leaders as they gather and discuss topics that are relevant to your business’ success.

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[fancy_header]Topics include:[/fancy_header]


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[download_box]Click here to download the flyer Leadership Symposium[/download_box][/fancy_box]

Press Kit

Good day good people. You are witnessing the result of months of intense work and dedication by the Toledo Urban League staff and their  bright vision of the future for the community and our supporters. We are in the midst of a grand restructuring on all fronts. This is just a single part of the BIG picture which goeas along with our other transformations including: Our new location; Our new web site; Our new programs and our new attitude.

As the webmaster I plan to keep you informed of the changes and improvements in relation to the new website and this blog. We plan on expanding our “digital presenece” into some bits of unexplored territority technically striving to mirror the current presidential administrations digital “connectiveness” which can no longer be called a fad.

The overall purpose of this blog will now be communicate the living activities and happenings of the Toledo Urban League and the website will now serve as a staic capsule of the overall goals and objectives of our fine organization.

Feel free to look around and leave comments and ideas on the topics and stories you find here. We hope to keep this consistently updated but your feedback with be the gas that drives our content.

Thank you again for your support.

Jermaine A. Young

[fancy_header]Our Programs and Services[/fancy_header]
The Greater Toledo Urban League, sick Inc. operates over ten (10) programs that cover a client base of youth(6 – 18); adults (18 – 60); and seniors (60 and above). All programs are comprehensive and focused on providing our clients with outstanding services and support.

The agency provides services to over 2, hospital 310 people, unhealthy while maintaining a strong commitment to serving those least among us. While some of us are living better today than yesterday, we must not forget that the average national income is $33,000 per year, and that the African American national income is $24,000. Also, lets not forget that the average yearly adult income is some parishes in New Orleans is under $8,000.


With this in mind, the Greater Toledo Urban League, Inc. is needed today more than ever.

The GTUL could not provide its services alone, therefore, the agency has over 160 volunteers to help support and maintain our services in the community.

[divider_top]Insert your text here[/divider_top]

[fancy_header]WHAT WE DO[/fancy_header]


Education and Youth Services

[dropcap1]1[/dropcap1]All that we do as adults is built on a foundation of education. The primary focus of our organization is on equal opportunity education for all students. We offer a wide range of educational programs that serve youth and adults. Our programs are designed to compliment the current trends and climate of the modern workforce and are built to level the playing field for minorities and those that are disadvantaged.



Workforce Development

[dropcap1]2[/dropcap1]In our modern economy it is even more critical that we properly train and assist those in need of employment to get the skills and experience needed to be successful in the workforce. We have extensive programming and staff resources available to achieve the very ambitious goal of turning the unemployment rate of Toledo on its head. We currently service clients seeking employment and offer one on one assistance to help them over come any barriers they may have.



Health and Quality of Life

[dropcap1]3[/dropcap1]Nothing is more important than living a happy, healthy, and full life. We offer senior services, health awareness and youth activity programs in order to help improve the quality of life in the Toledo community and beyond. Our programs, partnered with local community organizations focus on improving the entire being (mind, body, and spirit) while encouraging people of all ages to reach their full potential as a productive addition to their community.



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[divider_top]Insert your text here[/divider_top]
[fancy_header]What we do[/fancy_header]
[info_box] All Workforce Development programming has now moved to our new main office location at 7 East Bancroft st [/info_box]





[fancy_box][dropcap2]O[/dropcap2]ur Workforce Development Department provides job readiness training, this web development, and financial literacy to our community through our two signature Programs – Project Reconnect and the United Way Financial Stability Collaborative.[/fancy_box]






[fancy_header]Project Reconnect[/fancy_header]

[dropcap2]P[/dropcap2]roject Reconnect serves young adults ages 16-24 and provides them with job readiness and life skills training, occupational skills training in a variety of growing industries such as Healthcare, Customer Service, and Transportation and Logistics, and assists them in their job search activities upon graduation.



[fancy_header]United Way Financial Collaborative[/fancy_header]

[dropcap2]T[/dropcap2]he United Way Financial Stability Collaborative serves adults in the community through a unique collaborative structure in which partnering agencies come together to aid individuals in improving their financial stability. We provide workforce development services to individuals including resume writing and interviewing techniques among other topics relative to job readiness while providing one-on-one job search assistance.



[toggle title=”More info “]

Project Reconnect

7 East Bancroft Street
Toledo, OH 43620
419-243-3343 ( Telephone)
419-243-5445 (Fax)


Shirley Lyons
Workforce Development Coordinator





[toggle title=”More info”]

Philip Cunningham
Workforce Development Coordinator


Charlotte Jones
Program Specialist


[button link=]Read More[/button]



[info_box]The materials on this page are to be used by press and media that require promotional materials for our organization. Usage of these materials must not violate our terms of service or misrepresent The Greater Toledo Urban League, viagra dosage Inc or the National Urban League brand in any way, pharm shape, or form.[/info_box]





[fancy_box]GTUL Logos[/fancy_box]

Posted in Uncategorized

Action Alert! Extend Unemployment Insurance Benefits.

Please Join Us for a Jobs Information Session on November, sickness malady 29, here 2010

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

University of Toledo, unhealthy Scott Park Campus


Please R.S.V.P. by November 27th at

This session will provide an overview of

the types of positions, requirements and hiring timelines for those interested in a career at

Hollywood Casino Toledo.

This is an information only session – resumes will not be accepted at this time.

[download_box]Download flyer[/download_box]
Please Join Us for a Jobs Information Session on November, buy 29, 2010

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

University of Toledo, Scott Park Campus


Please R.S.V.P. by November 27th at

This session will provide an overview of

the types of positions, requirements and hiring timelines for those interested in a career at

Hollywood Casino Toledo.

This is an information only session – resumes will not be accepted at this time.

[download_box] Download flyer Hollywood Casino Job Information [/download_box]
Please Join Us for a Jobs Information Session on November, treatment 29, see 2010

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

University of Toledo, Scott Park Campus


Please R.S.V.P. by November 27th at

This session will provide an overview of

the types of positions, requirements and hiring timelines for those interested in a career at

Hollywood Casino Toledo.

This is an information only session – resumes will not be accepted at this time.

[download_box] Download flyer Hollywood Casino Job Information [/download_box]



[info_box]Issue: Congress returns from its extended mid-term election recess today, remedy November 15th. If Members don’treauthorize existing unemployment insurance (UI) benefits by November 30th, seek approximately 2 million U.S. workers – in December alone – will prematurely lose this crucial lifeline in the middle of the holiday season![/info_box]

Action Needed

  • Participate in a National Call-In Day on Tuesday, page November 16th. The tool-free number is 1-866-606-1189 and you’ll be patched through to your Congressional members. Urge them to extend UI benefits through December 2011 in light of the slow economic recovery. [See attached Talking Points to assist you.]
  • Sign a PETITON TO CONGRESS by logging on to a special UI initiative by the National Employment Law Project (NELP):
  • Provide unemployed workers the opportunity to tell their Personal Stories by directing them to the following special project by the National Unemployment Law Project (NELP):
  • Share this Action Alert with your local community contacts to generate further calls, sign petitions and share personal stories of the unemployed.

Talking Points

? Unemployment benefits have kept 3.3 million Americans (including 1 million children) from falling into poverty in 2009 alone!

? The average unemployment check is only $293 a week, covering less than half of the average family’s expenses for food, housing and transportation!

? Hardworking Americans have paid into the UI system their entire working lives – it should be there when Americans need it!

? Jobs are so scarce that if someone could wave a magic wand and instantly fill every job opening with someone who is unemployed, 4 out of 5 of the unemployed would still be out of work!

? UI payments are good for business – they go right back into the economy, bolstering local businesses and saving jobs! The retail sector will take a major hit during this critical holiday season if Congress lets the UI program expire!

[download_box]Download the PDF and share amongst your peers. Action Alert Extend Unemployment Insurance Benefits Nov 15 2010 [/download_box]

Job Opportunity : Hollywood Casino

The Greater Toledo Urban League is ready to move to new heights. This passed week we participated in the National Urban League Centennial celebration and the synergy was amazing. The conference was very empowering and there were a lot of connections made that will benefit the entire city of Toledo. Be on the look out for new content and events happening right here on this web site and in the community. Thank you all for your support and we look forward to your feedback and comments as always.

Please Join Us for a Jobs Information Session on November, patient 29, 2010

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

University of Toledo, Scott Park Campus


Please R.S.V.P. by November 27th at

This session will provide an overview of

the types of positions, requirements and hiring timelines for those interested in a career at

Hollywood Casino Toledo.

This is an information only session – resumes will not be accepted at this time.

[download_box] Download flyer Hollywood Casino Job Information [/download_box]


[fancy_header]Official Press Statement[/fancy_header]

[info_box] Originally Sent on Wednesday, viagra August 25, physician 2010

Toledo Public Schools sits at a crossroads of epic proportions.  It is a clear watershed moment.  Declining enrollment, store underperforming schools in the central city, a bloated infrastructure and dwindling State funding create a “perfect storm” for TPS and the entire community.

The community spoke loudly on May 4, 2010 and their message was clear – “We expect leadership and accountability for this District”.  Our students deserve it, the community demands it, and the leadership of this district (Board members, Superintendent, and Union Representation) must deliver it.

Without question, there are positive highlights within TPS and to ignore them would be completely irresponsible.  While acknowledging the many positives, it is also appropriate to consider the grievances and concerns. In doing so, one overarching issue is crystal clear – TRUST.

There is little or no trust between the Board and the Administration; there is no trust between management and labor; there are seeds of distrust within the ranks of labor; there is limited trust between parents and teachers and there is clear evidence of distrust between students and teachers.  The painstaking reality is that no one can effectively work with, teach to, learn from or share with a person with whom they do not have some level of trust.

Over the past decade or more this community has shown its trust through the support of new and continued levies – often by significant margins.  Our community now deserves a return on its investment and past trust.

We believe that now is the time for an in-depth and independent review of the Toledo Public Schools.  On several points we agree with Board President Vasquez specifically as it relates to the need for “transformational change within the district”. The independence and scope of this committee are areas we must have common agreement and are paramount in understanding the current state of education and operations with which to formulate recommendations needed to bring about “transformational change”.

Establishing trust is critical. This can only begin by assuring the committee’s review is objective, thorough and leads recommendations aimed at “transformational change”.

We believe the committee must be officially chartered by the Board of Education. It must be autonomous and have no members which are Board members or school employees. All operational, educational and financial practices including union contracts must be included in the scope of work. All employees and records must be made available to the committee for interview and inspection. All committee members must be free of financial or other relationships that pose a conflict of interest. The selection of members would be by a mutually agreed upon committee chair(s) with membership based upon experience and attributes that are compatible with the overall skill set needed by the committee.

We offer our assistance as a community on a continuous basis to address this mammoth task.  Our goal is to avoid another panel producing another report that gathers dust on a shelf. Rather, we seek a fully-engaged group that collaboratively confronts these issues with one goal – quality education for each child in the right environment.  Meeting this goal will produce engaged, educated and successful students that are prepared to meet the challenge of college, work and life.


[fancy_header]Official Press Statement[/fancy_header]

[info_box] Originally Sent on Wednesday, viagra buy August 25, capsule 2010

Toledo Public Schools sits at a crossroads of epic proportions.  It is a clear watershed moment.  Declining enrollment, shop underperforming schools in the central city, a bloated infrastructure and dwindling State funding create a “perfect storm” for TPS and the entire community.

The community spoke loudly on May 4, 2010 and their message was clear – “We expect leadership and accountability for this District”.  Our students deserve it, the community demands it, and the leadership of this district (Board members, Superintendent, and Union Representation) must deliver it.

Without question, there are positive highlights within TPS and to ignore them would be completely irresponsible.  While acknowledging the many positives, it is also appropriate to consider the grievances and concerns. In doing so, one overarching issue is crystal clear – TRUST.

There is little or no trust between the Board and the Administration; there is no trust between management and labor; there are seeds of distrust within the ranks of labor; there is limited trust between parents and teachers and there is clear evidence of distrust between students and teachers.  The painstaking reality is that no one can effectively work with, teach to, learn from or share with a person with whom they do not have some level of trust.

Over the past decade or more this community has shown its trust through the support of new and continued levies – often by significant margins.  Our community now deserves a return on its investment and past trust.

We believe that now is the time for an in-depth and independent review of the Toledo Public Schools.  On several points we agree with Board President Vasquez specifically as it relates to the need for “transformational change within the district”. The independence and scope of this committee are areas we must have common agreement and are paramount in understanding the current state of education and operations with which to formulate recommendations needed to bring about “transformational change”.

Establishing trust is critical. This can only begin by assuring the committee’s review is objective, thorough and leads recommendations aimed at “transformational change”.

We believe the committee must be officially chartered by the Board of Education. It must be autonomous and have no members which are Board members or school employees. All operational, educational and financial practices including union contracts must be included in the scope of work. All employees and records must be made available to the committee for interview and inspection. All committee members must be free of financial or other relationships that pose a conflict of interest. The selection of members would be by a mutually agreed upon committee chair(s) with membership based upon experience and attributes that are compatible with the overall skill set needed by the committee.

We offer our assistance as a community on a continuous basis to address this mammoth task.  Our goal is to avoid another panel producing another report that gathers dust on a shelf. Rather, we seek a fully-engaged group that collaboratively confronts these issues with one goal – quality education for each child in the right environment.  Meeting this goal will produce engaged, educated and successful students that are prepared to meet the challenge of college, work and life.


[fancy_header]Official Press Statement[/fancy_header]

[info_box] Originally Sent on Wednesday, troche August 25, for sale 2010

Toledo Public Schools sits at a crossroads of epic proportions.  It is a clear watershed moment.  Declining enrollment, viagra buy underperforming schools in the central city, a bloated infrastructure and dwindling State funding create a “perfect storm” for TPS and the entire community.

The community spoke loudly on May 4, 2010 and their message was clear – “We expect leadership and accountability for this District”.  Our students deserve it, the community demands it, and the leadership of this district (Board members, Superintendent, and Union Representation) must deliver it.

Without question, there are positive highlights within TPS and to ignore them would be completely irresponsible.  While acknowledging the many positives, it is also appropriate to consider the grievances and concerns. In doing so, one overarching issue is crystal clear – TRUST.

There is little or no trust between the Board and the Administration; there is no trust between management and labor; there are seeds of distrust within the ranks of labor; there is limited trust between parents and teachers and there is clear evidence of distrust between students and teachers.  The painstaking reality is that no one can effectively work with, teach to, learn from or share with a person with whom they do not have some level of trust.

Over the past decade or more this community has shown its trust through the support of new and continued levies – often by significant margins.  Our community now deserves a return on its investment and past trust.

We believe that now is the time for an in-depth and independent review of the Toledo Public Schools.  On several points we agree with Board President Vasquez specifically as it relates to the need for “transformational change within the district”. The independence and scope of this committee are areas we must have common agreement and are paramount in understanding the current state of education and operations with which to formulate recommendations needed to bring about “transformational change”.

Establishing trust is critical. This can only begin by assuring the committee’s review is objective, thorough and leads recommendations aimed at “transformational change”.

We believe the committee must be officially chartered by the Board of Education. It must be autonomous and have no members which are Board members or school employees. All operational, educational and financial practices including union contracts must be included in the scope of work. All employees and records must be made available to the committee for interview and inspection. All committee members must be free of financial or other relationships that pose a conflict of interest. The selection of members would be by a mutually agreed upon committee chair(s) with membership based upon experience and attributes that are compatible with the overall skill set needed by the committee.

We offer our assistance as a community on a continuous basis to address this mammoth task.  Our goal is to avoid another panel producing another report that gathers dust on a shelf. Rather, we seek a fully-engaged group that collaboratively confronts these issues with one goal – quality education for each child in the right environment.  Meeting this goal will produce engaged, educated and successful students that are prepared to meet the challenge of college, work and life.


[fancy_header]GET EMPOWERED episode 1-1, treat 1-2, and 1-3[/fancy_header]

[note_box]In this first episode of GET EMPOWERED, Greater Toledo Urban League president, Rev. John C. Jones, addresses the Toledo Public School’s transportation situation and lays out the issues we face because of the lack of community collaboration.[/note_box]

[pro-player width=’620′ height=’400′ autostart=’true’ type=’video’ image=’’],,[/pro-player]

[info_box]Press the next button on the video player to view the next part in the episode. [/info_box]

Official Press Statement : Community Groups to Offer Recommendations-Assistance to TPS


[one_third][youtube width=”225″ ][/youtube][/one_third]


[fancy_header]Official Press Statement[/fancy_header]

[toggle title=”Click here to view the unedited conference in its entirety”]

[pro-player width=’532′ height=’400′ type=’video’ image=”’][/pro-player]


[info_box] Originally Sent on Wednesday, sildenafil August 25, medical 2010

Toledo Public Schools sits at a crossroads of epic proportions.  It is a clear watershed moment.  Declining enrollment, underperforming schools in the central city, a bloated infrastructure and dwindling State funding create a “perfect storm” for TPS and the entire community.

The community spoke loudly on May 4, 2010 and their message was clear – “We expect leadership and accountability for this District”.  Our students deserve it, the community demands it, and the leadership of this district (Board members, Superintendent, and Union Representation) must deliver it.

Without question, there are positive highlights within TPS and to ignore them would be completely irresponsible.  While acknowledging the many positives, it is also appropriate to consider the grievances and concerns. In doing so, one overarching issue is crystal clear – TRUST.

There is little or no trust between the Board and the Administration; there is no trust between management and labor; there are seeds of distrust within the ranks of labor; there is limited trust between parents and teachers and there is clear evidence of distrust between students and teachers.  The painstaking reality is that no one can effectively work with, teach to, learn from or share with a person with whom they do not have some level of trust.

Over the past decade or more this community has shown its trust through the support of new and continued levies – often by significant margins.  Our community now deserves a return on its investment and past trust.

We believe that now is the time for an in-depth and independent review of the Toledo Public Schools.  On several points we agree with Board President Vasquez specifically as it relates to the need for “transformational change within the district”. The independence and scope of this committee are areas we must have common agreement and are paramount in understanding the current state of education and operations with which to formulate recommendations needed to bring about “transformational change”.

Establishing trust is critical. This can only begin by assuring the committee’s review is objective, thorough and leads recommendations aimed at “transformational change”.

We believe the committee must be officially chartered by the Board of Education. It must be autonomous and have no members which are Board members or school employees. All operational, educational and financial practices including union contracts must be included in the scope of work. All employees and records must be made available to the committee for interview and inspection. All committee members must be free of financial or other relationships that pose a conflict of interest. The selection of members would be by a mutually agreed upon committee chair(s) with membership based upon experience and attributes that are compatible with the overall skill set needed by the committee.

We offer our assistance as a community on a continuous basis to address this mammoth task.  Our goal is to avoid another panel producing another report that gathers dust on a shelf. Rather, we seek a fully-engaged group that collaboratively confronts these issues with one goal – quality education for each child in the right environment.  Meeting this goal will produce engaged, educated and successful students that are prepared to meet the challenge of college, work and life.

